Beyond Business Continuity Management: Building Resilience for Extreme but Plausible Events in a Post-COVID-19 World

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Douglas Wilbert, Protiviti Managing Director, and Dugan Krwawicz, Protiviti Associate Director

Forging Robustness Against Potential Catastrophes

It is true that organizations and their business continuity management (BCM) teams often contemplate scenarios that are reserved for incredibly creative minds. However, with every calamitous event, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the September 11, 2001 attacks, the severity of the human, financial and property losses is a stark reminder that even the best BCM playbooks can fall short of helping organizations to fully plan and prepare for disruptions.

In this article, Protiviti's Douglas Wilbert and Dugan Krwawicz explain the importance of BCM and discuss ways organizations can build resilience in this changing risk environment.

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