Respond and Learn: COVID-19 Disruption Provides Opportunities to Improve Operational Resilience

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Respond and Learn: COVID-19 Disruption Provides Opportunities to Improve Operational Resilience
Douglas Wilbert and Matthew Watson, Protiviti Managing Directors

Understanding Business Disruption Challenges

Companies have talked for years about operational disruption and business continuity management (BCM), but few have contemplated an event like the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses today find themselves facing an “extreme but plausible” event that previously could only be considered in theory. Protiviti has been monitoring the pandemic response of companies around the globe. We held a webinar in mid-July to start a conversation with companies dealing with this business disruption and understand their challenges.

This article shares leading practices to help businesses respond, recover and reemerge from this crisis with confidence and increased resilience.

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