The following 36 items are listed by Content Data.
Internal Controls Sustainability Training Guide
This sample guide focuses on building a sustainable internal control process.
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Audit Programs
Monitoring Entity-Level Controls Audit Work Program
This document provides three sample work programs focused on monitoring and auditing entity-level controls.
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Risk Assessment Guide
This tool contains four guides that can be used by auditors to understand and improve their risk assessment process.
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Audit Programs
Entity-Level Controls Audit Work Program
This tool includes two sample audit programs that provide steps organizations can take to perform an entity-level contro...
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Audit Reports
Entity-Level Controls Assessment Report
This document contains two sample audit reports that can be used to document management’s assessment of internal control...
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Checklists & Questionnaires
Control Rationalization and Cost-Effectiveness Questionnaire
This tool highlights questions to consider when implementing and measuring an organization’s cost-effectiveness and cont...
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Methodologies & Models
Business Self-Assessment Methodology
This tool provides an overview of the business self-assessment process and includes four components of business self-ass...
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Checklists & Questionnaires
Entity-Level Controls Fraud Questionnaire
This sample includes a list of questions to consider while checking an organization’s entity-level controls for fraud.
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Checklists & Questionnaires
Entity-Level Control Environment Questionnaire
This questionnaire template provides a number of COSO elements and the related control objectives for entity-level contr...
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Checklists & Questionnaires
Entity-Level Controls Information and Communication Questionnaire
This questionnaire template provides a number of COSO elements and their related control objectives for entity-level con...
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Checklists & Questionnaires
Entity-Level Controls Monitoring Questionnaire
Monitoring is a process that assesses the quality of the entity's internal control performance over time. This template ...
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Checklists & Questionnaires
Sarbanes-Oxley Sustainable Compliance Questionnaire
This questionnaire addresses how organizations can make Sarbanes-Oxley compliance sustainable while improving business p...
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