
The following tools were published on KnowledgeLeader this week:

Credit Card Fraud Risk Questionnaire

Fraud can be defined as the intentional perversion of truth to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. In the business community, the ultimate goal of fraud is to gain money. There are numerous fraud scenarios within the business world and, unfortunately, many have transitioned into the internet community. Focus on the questions in this tool to learn more about your organization’s management and monitoring of credit card fraud risk.  

Information Security Development Policy

This document provides a framework for creating a set of policies and procedures focused on the security of an organization’s information. Each supporting policy must meet the requirements set out in this document. This sample policy applies to information security within company operating units and entities with direct, indirect, or implied access to information assets owned by or entrusted to a company.

Information Technology Policy: Role-Based User Management

This policy ensures that there are additional controls in place to detect errors and safeguard company computers and networks against inadvertent exposure to external threats. It applies to all application and process designers, all managers who assign process responsibilities, and all system operators with privileges extending beyond a restricted user.

Expenditure Approval Authorization Policy

This tool contains two sample policies that document the approval and authorization requirements to commit company funds or assets. According to this policy, all employees should know and adhere to their approval authorization limits, the finance organization is responsible for ensuring compliance with these guidelines, and the president or the chief financial officer may approve exceptions to this policy but not beyond the limits of their authority. 

Process Mapping Guidelines Flow Charting

This guide defines primary symbols and provides specific guidelines for preparing a flow chart. Sample symbol includes: Activity/process, decision, document, direction of flow, connections, manual input, computer storage, manual filing, online activity. The guidelines include: label origins and destinations, number the symbols, use a manual activity symbol before a decision diamond, and be certain the “no” comes off to the right and the “yes” flows with the mainstream. 


KnowledgeLeader has also published several publications this week.

2023 Finance Trends Survey Report

The volume of CFO priorities has increased for years. The intensity of these urgencies also spiked, forcing finance leaders to make higher-stakes decisions more quickly and implement major adjustments with far-reaching implications. Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Report highlights how CFOs are marshaling all of the talent, technology and data resources within their reach to address a growing list of priorities.

What Boards Need to Know About the CFO’s Changing Priorities

ESG metrics and measurement rate as the CFO’s topmost priority in Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Survey. Here are five finance priorities boards should keep in mind as they engage with CFOs, according to the results of Protiviti’s 2023 Global Finance Trends Survey Report. 

Five Focal Points for Future-Ready CFOs

If a group of chief financial officers (CFOs) from 2018 stepped out of a time machine into their 2023 offices, they would be astonished by what they saw. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics and measurements would top their priority lists. This report highlights five key areas and related actions for CFOs to consider, based on the results of Protiviti’s 2023 Global Finance Trends Survey Report. 

Recommended Resources 

This list of recommended resources from the web may be of interest to you. Click each link to learn more. 

  1. How to Implement the Risk-Based Quality Management Standards
  2. 70% of Companies Use AI, Other Tech to Optimize Business Travel: Weekly Stat
  3. Focusing on Employee Experience in Manufacturing Organizations Can Provide an Edge in a Challenging Jobs Environment