April's Audit Essentials: Discover KnowledgeLeader's Most Popular Resources and Tools of the Month

Download the top 10 most frequently accessed tools and publications on KnowledgeLeader in April.

1. Entity-Level Controls: The Importance of Setting the Tone

This blog post explains the importance of entity-level controls and explores the COSO Framework.

2. Enterprise Risk Management Questionnaire

This risk assessment questionnaire can be used when analyzing an organization’s ERM strategy.

3. Management Response to Internal Audit Reports Memo

This memo outlines specifics to consider when drafting management responses to audit observations.

4. Audit Planning Memo

This tool provides three sample planning memos, which serve as a report of an internal audit function’s high-level assessment of the company’s audit planning process.

5. Process Documentation Narrative and Flow Chart Guide

This guide outlines documentation techniques to develop an adequate understanding of any processing environment.

6. Project Management Office (PMO) Questionnaire

This tool provides questions to consider when evaluating an organization’s project management office (PMO) functionality and processes.

7. Enterprise Risk Management Audit Report

This document contains two sample audit reports that can be used by auditors to review the enterprise risk management (ERM) function of an organization.

8. Internal Audit Department Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

This tool includes three sample documents that provide guidance internal audit and management can use to evaluate their performance measurements.

9. IT Asset Management Self-Assessment Questionnaire

This tool includes questions to consider when reviewing an organization’s IT management process.

10. Working Capital Management Questionnaire

This document is designed to help organizations assess the strengths and weaknesses of the working capital management process.