Who Audits Public Companies – 2022 Edition

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Nicole Hallas, Audit Analytics

Insights Into Auditors of Public Companies

The public company audit market is a competitive space. As of May 10, 2022, 252 firms conduct audits for 6,652 SEC registrants. This represents a 10.3% increase in population compared to last year’s market share analysis. The large jump in population can be attributed to the record-high number of IPOs and SPACs flooding the market in 2021. The top 10 firms by registrant counts remain unchanged from last year: EY, Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, Marcum, Withum, Grant Thornton, BDO, BF Borgers and RSM. Together, these 10 firms audit 68.8% of the population.

In this article, Audit Analytics takes a closer look at who is currently conducting audits of SEC public registrants.

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