The following 21 items are listed by Content Data.
Audit Reports
Third-Party Licensing Process Assessment Report
Analyze your third-party licensing process and recommend improvements to procedures, controls and systems with this audi...
Policies & Procedures
Research and Development Expense Policy
Research and development expenses include the conceptual formulation, design and testing of product alternatives, constr...
Audit Programs
Direct Deposit of Royalty Payments Audit Work Program
This audit work program focuses on determining whether the sensitive information collected for the direct deposit of roy...
Subscriber Content
Audit Reports
Risk Assessment and Internal Audit Plan
The detailed risk assessment results in this sample audit report can help you measure and improve your organization’s in...
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Policies & Procedures
Acceptable Use Policy
This tool contains two sample policies that establish standards and procedures organizations should follow for governing...
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Policies & Procedures
Confidentiality Policy
This tool includes three sample policies that define guidelines concerning confidential company information.
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Policies & Procedures
Email Policy
This document contains two sample policies that provide guidelines and procedures for understanding and following an org...
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Policies & Procedures
Disclosure of Private Data Policy
This sample policy outlines procedures for the disclosure, protection and transfer of a company's private data.
Subscriber Content
Social Media Risks Guide
This document can be used as a guide for identifying and mitigating social media risks within an organization.
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Audit Programs
Intellectual Property Network Audit Work Program
In this work program sample, we outline general best-practice steps for the intellectual property network audit process.
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Methodologies & Models
Intellectual Property Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
This capability maturity model can be used to measure the maturity of an organization’s intellectual property management...
Subscriber Content
Ransomware: Analyzing Risk and Protecting Critical Assets
In this issue of Board Perspectives, we provide four ways boards can respond strategically to ransomware exposures.
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