
The following 1011 items are listed by Content Data.

Managing Supply Chain Disruption Risk

Supply chain disruptions are a reminder that these trade-offs are not without risk. This issue of Board Perspectives: Ri...
Subscriber Content
Mon, May 9, 2011
Policies & Procedures

Shareholders’ Equity – Investor Relations Policy

This policy focuses on having continuous dialogue with present and potential investors; informing them of the company’s ...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Apr 25, 2011
Policies & Procedures

Tuition Reimbursement Policy

The following is a sample policy statement for Tuition Reimbursement.
Subscriber Content
Mon, Mar 7, 2011
Policies & Procedures

Accounting for Goodwill Policy

The primary goal of this policy is to help document a company’s process and procedures for accounting for goodwill under...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Dec 20, 2010
Protiviti Booklets

Guide to International Financial Reporting Standards

Get guidance on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and their adoption by countries worldwide with our Pr...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jul 26, 2010
Protiviti Booklets

Assessing New Rules Regarding the Personal Obligation of Senior Accounting Officers of Large Companies

In this booklet, we answer common questions regarding Schedule 46 and suggest a roadmap to compliance.
Subscriber Content
Mon, May 17, 2010
Protiviti Booklets

Internal Auditing Around the World: Volume 5

This booklet profiles 11 successful international companies undergoing significant changes, such as restructuring, merge...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Sep 14, 2009

Public Company Readiness: Getting Ready for Prime Time Before the Market Does

In this issue of The Bulletin, we focus on certain aspects of the IPO preparation process, including the need for a rea...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jul 13, 2009

Setting the 2009 Audit Committee Agenda

This issue of The Bulletin provides observations and ideas for board members to consider as they get through the trying ...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Mar 2, 2009

Credit Rating Analysis of Enterprise Risk Management at Nonfinancial Companies: Are You Ready?

This issue of The Bulletin explores how consideration of ERM quality can impact the ratings process and what nonfinancia...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jun 23, 2008

Creating Transparency Into Your Largest Risk Exposures

This issue of The Bulletin offers approaches for improving transparency into an entity’s most significant risk exposures...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Apr 7, 2008

IFRS or Country-Specific GAAP: Who’s on First

This issue of The Bulletin considers the issues and the ramifications of transitioning from country-specific GAAP to IFR...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Mar 10, 2008