Q3 2023 IPO Trends

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Kayla Coello, Audit Analytics

A Snapshot of IPO Trends and Highlights from the Third Quarter of 2023

Initial public offerings (IPOs) grew slightly in the third quarter of 2023. In total, 45 IPOs raised a combined total of $9.2 billion during Q3. Q3 2023 saw an increase in both the number of IPOs and the proceeds raised compared to Q2 2023. Similarly, after a sharp decrease in third-quarter IPOs in 2022, the number of offerings increased slightly in Q3 2023. The total proceeds compared to Q3 2022 nearly tripled from last year, despite only closing an additional three offerings.  

In this article, Audit Analytics further examines the major increase in IPOs between Q3 2022 and Q3 2023. 

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