FEMA Funding $$$$ Beginning With the End in Mind: COVID-19 Efforts
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Richard Williams, Protiviti Managing Director, and Darrell Sandeen, Protiviti Associate Director
Strategic Funding Allocation: Prioritizing FEMA Funding for COVID-19 Response Efforts
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is responsible for coordinating the federal government’s response to natural and manmade disasters. Not-for-profit hospitals and other healthcare organizations providing care and services for COVID-19 patients may qualify for these funds. All FEMA awards are subject to audit by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) or their designated contractors, so begin the costing journey with the end in mind — a successful audit of allowable costs.
This article explains the funding process for FEMA and identifies key considerations healthcare organizations need to obtain the available funds successfully.
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