CPO or No? Protiviti’s Tom Moore on the Evolution of the Privacy Role and Its Uncertain Future

screenshot of the first page of CPO or No Protiviti’s Tom Moore on the Evolution of the Privacy Role and Its Uncertain Future
VISION by Protiviti

How to Build Customer Trust Through Privacy

When Google, a company estimated to hold between 10 and 15 exabytes of data — or the storage power of about 30 million PCs — makes a potentially game-changing decision regarding privacy, it’s probably a good idea for the rest of us to take note. Privacy should not be a reactive function. Customers want to collaborate with companies that they trust, and protecting an individual’s privacy leads to trust. The reality is that when the CPO is deprioritized within the organization, so is privacy itself. 

Read this article to learn from Protiviti’s Tom Moore on the uncertain future of the chief privacy officer.

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