Essential Governance Policies and Compliance Guides


The following tools were published on KnowledgeLeader this week:

Petty Cash Policy

Define the guidelines for your organization’s petty cash disbursement and reimbursement process with this policy sample. According to this policy, a petty cash fund should be utilized for minor business expenses. Petty cash funds allow cash to be made available to departments and activities to facilitate cash payment for minor expenses while maintaining proper control. 

Purchase Order Policy

Organizations can use the guidelines in this sample policy for purchase order (PO) processing and vendor setup and maintenance. This policy details the procedures for vendor setup and maintenance, purchase order generation, and the resolution of vendor purchase order issues. According to this policy, appropriate signatures are required on all POs in order to ensure the validation of purchases. 

Financial Policy Development Policy

The guidelines in this policy can be used by organizations looking to develop new and revise existing financial policy statements. According to this sample, a company’s financial policy should be created as a continuing directive, which outlines a course or method of action. 

Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Committee Guide: Description and Relationships

This guide provides a detailed overview of the Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 compliance steering committee's composition, function and operating style. It also includes the interrelationship between a steering committee and a disclosure committee.

Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Committee Structure Guide

This guide discusses the duties, composition, structure and interrelationships of the disclosure committee that needs to be formed to facilitate Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Following the release of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other new SEC regulations, many organizations created a disclosure committee to oversee the executive certification process on an ongoing basis. 

Risk Assessment and Proposed Internal Audit Plan

Download this audit report sample for an overview of organizational risks and an audit plan that addresses risks to strategic objectives. Sample risk assessment steps include gaining an understanding of industry trends and current environmental risk through discussions with internal auditor personnel with industry experience.

Project Controls Manager Job Description

This job description sample summarizes the responsibilities, key selection criteria and general information for the role of the project controls manager. This candidate is primarily responsible for the worldwide oversight of the setup, modification and close tasks with respect to new construction/major modification projects.


KnowledgeLeader has also published several publications this week.

Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2024: Financial Services Industry Group Results

Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative have been conducting the Top Risks Survey for the past 12 years. Download Protiviti’s 2024 Top Risks Survey Report to assess future trends in the financial services industry and make informed decisions.  

What Is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is a type of business transformation that is driven by emerging technologies. Read this article to learn how businesses can arm themselves with the capability to fully digitize, transform and grow their organizations.

J.P. Morgan Global Executive: With ISO 20022, a “Generational Change” Is Coming in Payments

In this VISION by Protiviti interview, Protiviti Managing Director Naveen Shankar sat down with Ciarán Byrne, Head of Global Clearing Product and Transformation at J.P. Morgan Payments, to discuss ISO 20022, emerging technologies, the user experience and an exciting, and often unpredictable, future of payments. 

Recommended Resources 

This list of recommended resources from the web may be of interest to you. Click each link to learn more. 

  1. Want to Leverage the Power of AI? It Starts With a Solid Data Foundation
  2. Look Forward, Not Behind: Make Organizational Change Management an Enduring Function
  3. How In-House Counsel Can Manage U.S. Child-Labor Risks