Mon, Mar 4, 2024

Explore the 10 most frequently viewed audit tools and publications on KnowledgeLeader in February.

1. Entity-Level Controls: The Importance of Setting the Tone

This blog post explains the importance of entity-level controls and explores the COSO Framework.

2. Enterprise Risk Management Questionnaire

This risk assessment questionnaire can be used when analyzing an organization’s ERM strategy.

3. Internal Audit Department Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

This tool includes three sample documents that provide guidance internal audit and management can use to evaluate their performance measurements.

4. Management Response to Internal Audit Reports Memo

This memo outlines specifics to consider when drafting management responses to audit observations.

5. Process Documentation Narrative and Flow Chart Guide

This guide outlines documentation techniques to develop an adequate understanding of any processing environment.

6. Audit Planning Memo

This tool provides three sample planning memos, which serve as a report of an internal audit function’s high-level assessment of the company’s audit planning process and outline what should be included in an audit planning memorandum.

7. Internal Audit Feedback Questionnaire

This tool includes 10 sample questionnaires that can be used by internal audit functions to gather client feedback and measure client satisfaction.

8. Internal Audit Engagement Memo

This internal audit engagement memo informs an auditee of an upcoming audit and includes the objectives of the audit, proposed timetable and audit team members.

9. Human Resources Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

This capability maturity model can be used to measure the maturity of an organization’s human resources management process and to assist its progress from the initial/ad-hoc state toward the optimized state.

10. Physical Inventory Count Memo

This sample memo provides physical inventory instructions that a company can use to compare counted quantities to on-hand quantities in order to identify discrepancies.