Mon, Sep 2, 2024

Download the 10 most frequently viewed audit tools and publications on KnowledgeLeader in August.

1.Enterprise Risk Management Guide: Identifying and Understanding Risks

In this tool, we’ve included a guide that provides leading practices related to improving an organization’s enterprise risk management plan.

2. Entity-Level Controls: The Importance of Setting the Tone

This blog post explains the importance of entity-level controls and explores the COSO Framework.

3. Internal Audit Department Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

This tool includes three sample documents that provide guidance internal audit and management can use to evaluate their performance measurements.

4. IT General Controls Guide

Use the automation and standardization best practices in this guide to enhance IT processes and improve compliance.

5. Process Classification Scheme (PCS)

The Process Classification Scheme (PCS) is a framework used by Protiviti that can be utilized to organize information about a company according to relevant business and/or industry processes.

6.Project Risk Management Audit Work Program

Implement the leading practices in our project risk management audit work program to strengthen your internal audit function.

7. Payroll Audit Work Program

A payroll audit can help a company provide an evaluation of the internal and business environment to ensure that the internal controls are in place and operating effectively

8. Process Documentation Narrative and Flow Chart Guide

Use this guide, which includes a process flow example and guidance on other elements to incorporate, to develop an adequate understanding of your organization’s processing environment.

9. Purchasing Audit Work Program

In this sample work program, we provide detailed steps for the purchasing audit process, including how to create process maps

10. Inventory Management Questionnaire

The Inventory Management Questionnaire allows auditors to gain valuable insights into an organization's inventory management processes.