The following 51 items are listed by Content Data.
The COVID-19 Effect on IPOs: Pre-Public Firms Press ‘‘Pause’’ for Now, but IPO Readiness Must Continue
This article explains the current pace of companies' initial public offerings from COVID-19 and outlines measures organi...
Subscriber Content
Public Company Transformation: Critical Audit Matters Should Matter for Soon-to-Be-Public Companies
This article shares some insight on critical audit matters (CAMs) and what they mean for private companies as part of th...
Subscriber Content
Checklists & Questionnaires
Public Company Readiness Questionnaire
This questionnaire focuses on certain aspects of the IPO preparation process and specific areas management should addres...
Subscriber Content
Protiviti Booklets
Guide to Public Company Transformation
This guidance, now in its fourth edition, is designed to serve as a convenient and user-friendly resource that executive...
Subscriber Content
Audit Reports
Pre-Year 1 SOX Roadmap Audit Report
This audit report summarizes the observations, recommendations, and related remediation prioritization for business and ...
Subscriber Content
Process Flows
Acquisition Process Flow
This acquisition process flow focuses on identification and assessment of the target company, due diligence, finalizing ...
Subscriber Content
Merger and Integration Memo
This memo outlines a project to document a company’s finance and accounting processes, as well as to identify the system...
Subscriber Content
The Board’s Role in Overseeing Acquisitions
This issue of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight analyzes the board's risk oversight role from an acquiring company's pe...
Subscriber Content
Public Company Readiness: Getting Ready for Prime Time Before the Market Does
In this issue of The Bulletin, we focus on certain aspects of the IPO preparation process, including the need for a rea...
Subscriber Content
Guide to Managing Mergers and Acquisitions KPIs
Few things can be as fraught with stress and complication for top executives and business owners as evaluat...
New Content on KnowledgeLeader - 2/12/2024
ToolsThe following tools were published on KnowledgeLeader this week:IT Vendor Management Capability M...
New Content on KnowledgeLeader - 5/20/2024
ToolsThe following tools were published on KnowledgeLeader this week:Accounts Receivable, Credit and C...