Quote-to-Cash Scoping Questionnaire

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Evaluate and Improve Your Quote-to-Cash Process

The quote-to-cash (QTC) process encompasses the sales, account management, order fulfillment, billing, and accounts receivables functions. It considers the steps taken as the sales team configures a quote and drafts a proposal for a client, through to when payment is received for services rendered. This sample questionnaire can be used to assess the process associated with quote-to-cash management.

Sample questions include: Who has access within the system to modify customer records? What periodic monitoring is in place to review changes to the customer master file data (e.g., bank account information, payment terms, alternate payees)? Is there a process to inactivate or purge old customers/contracts? Where is the pricing information maintained and how is it accessed? Are quote details integrated with order management systems? Which details are captured? Who posts cash receipts? Are receipts received into a bank lockbox or at the plants?

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