Purchasing Bypass Process Policy

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Establishing Guidelines for Exceptional Purchasing Circumstances

This sample Purchasing Bypass Process Policy outlines a company's procedures for documenting reasons why a purchase order has been requested after services have begun or goods have been delivered. 

The document further details exceptions to standard procurement rules, like purchases made according to the company's purchasing card policy. It also explains that directors or higher levels of management may authorize suppliers to commence service under emergency situations, provided they adhere to certain conditions.

The policy also highlights specific responsibilities for requestors, such as purchasing expense items under a specified amount with a purchasing credit card without needing to submit a purchase requisition. Buyers' responsibilities include monitoring compliance by enforcing the process and providing education about it.  

In addition to a procurement bypass documentation form, this policy also includes a list of types of transactions that do not require a purchase order, such as real estate transactions, external auditing fees approved by senior department managers, employee benefits, and utilities expenses.

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