COSO Internal Controls Guide: Integrated Framework

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COSO Internal Controls Guide: Integrated Framework

What is COSO? A Comprehensive Overview

The COSO Internal Control–Integrated Framework (Framework) published in 1992 is recognized as the leading guidance for designing, implementing and conducting internal control and assessing its effectiveness. The 2013 Framework is expected to help organizations design and implement internal control in light of many changes in business and operating environments since the issuance of the original Framework, broaden the application of internal control in addressing operations and reporting objectives, and clarify the requirements for determining what constitutes effective internal control.

COSO has also issued Illustrative Tools for Assessing Effectiveness of a System of Internal Control and the Internal Control over External Financial Reporting (ICEFR): A Compendium of Approaches and Examples. The Illustrative Tools are expected to assist users when assessing whether a system of internal control meets the requirements set forth in the updated Framework. The ICEFR Compendium is particularly relevant to those who prepare financial statements for external purposes based upon requirements set forth in the updated Framework.

This executive summary provides an overview of the updated Framework.

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