Commercial Property Lease Application Audit Work Program

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A Sample Work Program to Audit a Commercial Property Lease Application System

This sample audit program reviews an application that handles transactions related to leasing and renting commercial property. Through this program, a structured approach is highlighted that spans planning, fieldwork and reporting phases, ensuring a thorough examination of the lease application process. The fieldwork phase allows the performance of independent tests on the application’s functionality, including scenario testing for changes like CPI rent increases and lease extensions. 

This phase also includes a review of user administration controls and data integrity checks for pulling lease dates and rent amounts. The reporting phase is crucial as it involves drafting, validating and finalizing the audit report, incorporating management responses, and ensuring that all documentation is accurately completed and stored. This structured approach not only enhances the reliability and integrity of the lease application process but also ensures compliance with relevant standards and regulations.

Fieldwork outlined in this tool includes:

  • Performing independent testing to assess the integrity of the application's functionality, calculations and queries
  • Obtaining evidence of the user administration controls that are currently in place
  • Reviewing the integrity of the process by which lease dates and rent amounts are pulled into the application
  • Reviewing the macro to pull data for the general ledger upload

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