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Charters document a committee's vision, responsibilities and objectives, and can also provide an outline of a project's scope. KnowledgeLeader has published sample charters for a wide range of committees and projects that provide organizations with detailed examples of charter language and structure. These charter templates can be customized and utilized in any organization.

The following 15 tools are listed based on Content Data.

Emergency Executive Committee Charter

This sample provides guidelines and responsibilities for creating an emergency executive committee charter (EEC).
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jun 28, 2021

Board of Directors Authorization Charter

This sample establishes guidelines and responsibilities for developing a board of directors authorization charter.
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jun 28, 2021

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Committee Charter

This sample charter outlines the responsibilities and duties, membership and operations, and meetings and attendance for an organization’s enterprise risk management (ERM) committee.
Subscriber Content
Mon, Nov 30, 2020