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KnowledgeLeader is an unrivaled repository of audit programs, checklists, tools, resources and best practices.
KnowledgeLeader is an unrivaled repository of audit programs, checklists, tools, resources and best practices.
Subscriptions are not renewed automatically. We will contact you when it's time to renew. All prices are in USD.**
$256 per user KLplus CPE upgrade available
$223 per user KLplus CPE upgrade available
$191 per user KLplus CPE upgrade available
$122 per user KLplus CPE upgrade available
$122 per user KLplus CPE upgrade available
* Individual 6-month subscriptions are available for $486.
** Individuals and groups of 2-17 users must pay by credit card.
Start with one of our audit programs, risk and control matrices, checklists, questionnaires, methodologies, policies, charters, or templates, then customize it for your own project or audit.
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