Risk Realities and Enterprise Risk Management in 2020

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Risk Realities and Enterprise Risk Management in 2020
Jim DeLoach, Protiviti Managing Director

Insights on Enterprise Risk and Resilience

As the 2020 Executive Perspectives on Top Risks makes clear, enterprise risk management (ERM) continues to be central to navigating the current turbulent marketplace. The study, a joint project by Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative, revealed two overarching themes among C-suite executives and board members: (1) the difficulties of finding and retaining talent while preserving a culture that serves as a magnet for that talent, and (2) the related task of staying at the edge of technology and innovation.

This article highlights our study and offers a list of questions that provides a bird’s-eye view of where an organization is in terms of ERM and where it needs to go.

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