Internal Auditing Around the World: Volume 14

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Taking on Digital - How Internal Audit Can Support Digital Transformation: Insights from Global Organizations

Digital transformation brings promise — and uncertainty — to organizations. One outcome of the process, though, is irrefutable: change. Businesses around the globe recognize that transformation is necessary to survive. They must disrupt or be disrupted. And if they are disrupted, they must respond and adapt swiftly. As companies commit to and make progress with digital transformation, many are looking squarely at their internal audit team to provide guidance and insight along the journey.

In Volume XIV of Protiviti’s Internal Auditing Around the World, we take a closer look at internal auditors’ challenges and opportunities as they help to support the business through digital transformation.

As C-level executives and internal audit professionals read the profiles in this publication, we expect many will relate to the challenges and risks that the companies featured herein face in their digital transformation journey. For those business leaders who have not yet considered internal audit’s ability to serve as a steady guide through disruptive change, we suggest they embrace that opportunity as they completely rethink how their business operates. In fact, they may find their internal audit functions have already made significant strides with their own digital transformation efforts — and hence, have invaluable insights to share.

The organizations profiled in the latest edition, subtitled “Taking on Digital,” represent a cross section of countries and industries and include Accenture, Conservas La Costeña, HEINEKEN, JP Morgan Chase (JPMC), Juniper Network and Panera Bread, among others.

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