Cybersecurity Expert: The U.S. Is Facing Big Challenges

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VISION by Protiviti

Cyberattacks and National Security by the Numbers

Thomas Vartanian is an author, lawyer, futurist, and board member and executive director of the Financial Technology and Cybersecurity Center, a nonprofit based in Alexandria, Virginia. He has more than 50 years of experience in the financial sector and served as a regulator in both the Reagan and Carter Administrations. He is the author of nine books, including his latest, 2023's The Unhackable Internet: How Rebuilding Cyberspace Can Create Real Security and Prevent Financial Collapse

In this VISION by Protiviti interview, Joe Kornik, editor-in-chief of VISION by Protiviti, sits down with Vartanian to discuss U.S. readiness when it comes to cyber warfare with our adversaries.

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