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The following 918 publications are listed based on Content Data.

Oversight of Organizational Speed in the Digital Age

This issue explores 10 ideas on managing to the speed of business and its implications to board oversight.
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jul 2, 2018
Protiviti Booklets

Internal Auditing Around the World: Volume 14

In Volume XIV of Protiviti’s Internal Auditing Around the World, we take a closer look at internal auditors’ challenges and opportunities as they help to support the business through di...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jun 4, 2018

The Relevance of Sustainability Performance to Board Risk Ov…

The pursuit of aggressive environmental, economic and social sustainability goals presents both opportunity and risk. This issue of Board Perspectives, Risk Oversight provides an approa...
Subscriber Content
Mon, May 28, 2018

Sustaining an Innovation Culture in the Digital Age

Digital transformation is disrupting entrenched incumbents and even whole industries. This issue of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight describes how an organization can reach its innova...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Apr 30, 2018

The Cyber Risk Oversight Challenge

Every board today faces the challenge of overseeing the investment of finite protection resources in an ever-changing cyber threat landscape. Our recent discussion with a group of activ...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Apr 23, 2018

A Risk-Informed Approach to Enterprise Risk Management

In this latest installment of The Bulletin, we explore the ERM topic once again — this time examining how a “risk-informed” perspective can advance the maturity of ERM in an organizatio...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Apr 2, 2018

Board Oversight of Performance Management

Performance management is the process by which performance toward targeted goals is measured and monitored. Performance management is so integral to a board’s oversight, it’s easy to fo...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Feb 26, 2018

The Top Global Risks for 2018

This issue of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight provides a context for understanding the most critical uncertainties companies are facing as they move forward into 2018.
Subscriber Content
Mon, Feb 19, 2018
Protiviti Booklets

U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Requirements

This guide summarizes some basic principles of money laundering and terrorist financing, followed by discussions of the U.S. legal and regulatory requirements, practical considerations ...
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jan 29, 2018

Is Your Strategy Focused on Digital?

In this edition, Protiviti discusses four important activities for organizations to consider as they contemplate what digital means to their business and strategy.
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jan 1, 2018

Compliance Insights: December 2017

Topics covered in this newsletter include: Digital Mortgage and Consumer Lending Trends and Innovations
Subscriber Content
Mon, Jan 1, 2018

Setting the 2018 Audit Committee Agenda

Our suggested agenda consists of eight issues—four pertaining to enterprise, process and technology risks and four to financial reporting-related risks.
Subscriber Content
Mon, Dec 18, 2017