ByProtiviti KnowledgeLeader

Tools for Monitoring Cost Management

Explore how cost management involves all aspects of planning and controlling a budget with the tools linked in this blog post. 

1. Deferral of Collateral Charges Policy

The following sample outlines a set of policies and procedures for ensuring that accounting for deferring and amortizing the costs of promotional materials is in compliance with management's objectives.

2. Advertising and Promotion Audit Work Program

In this work program sample, we provide general best-practice steps for the advertising and promotion audit process.

3. Contract and Project Approval Policy

This policy outlines procedures for evaluating, negotiating, and executing significant contracts and internal and external projects with legal and/or financial implications.

4. Allocating Contract Cost Policy: Capital Projects

This policy sample outlines procedures to ensure that company capital allocated to projects is managed cost-effectively and efficiently while minimizing project risks.

5. Legal Spend Management Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

This capability maturity model can be used to measure the maturity of an organization’s legal spend management process and to assist its progress from the initial/ad-hoc state toward the optimized state.


Browse our Cost Management topic page to see all of the internal audit tools and publications we have published.