
The following tools were published on KnowledgeLeader this week:

Internal Audit Plan Status Report

Stay updated on the internal audit plan status and its implications for the audit committee's decision-making process. The document is primarily used to communicate with the audit committee about the status of various audits and projects scheduled throughout the fiscal year.

International Site Visit Audit Work Program

This two sample audit programs provide steps organizations can take when embarking upon an audit of an international office. Sample 1 of this document provides a structured approach for conducting thorough audits of international offices. It outlines key project phases such as planning, fieldwork and report issuance, with detailed steps, including gaining an understanding of the business environment, assessing internal controls and performing analytical procedures on financial statements. The sample emphasizes the importance of tailoring audit plans to specific circumstances and not considering the program all-inclusive.

U.S. Domestic Income and Property Tax Review Audit Work Program

Review key tax processes and systems related to a company’s U.S. operations with this audit work program. This document is designed to identify and mitigate risks associated with income and property tax compliance, accounting functions and the use of information systems. It outlines detailed audit objectives and procedures, including the evaluation of policies and procedures, user access controls, change management processes, and the accuracy of critical spreadsheets.

Charity Care Audit Work Program

The document outlines a detailed audit plan, which includes high-level reviews of practices, detailed analysis of selected charity care accounts, and reviews of bad debt accounts to ascertain charity care eligibility. It provides a step-by-step process, from preliminary review to final procedures, to follow. This includes meeting with key contacts, preparing the audit program, conducting detailed planning, scheduling meetings, and performing quality assurance and control activities.

System Privileges for Terminated Employees Checklist

Take immediate action steps to disconnect systems and protect critical data with our System Privileges for Terminated Employees Checklist. Its main objective is to safeguard mission-critical systems and data, aiming to resume business activities in the shortest time possible, ideally within a few hours, to minimize disruption.

Social Media Policy

Establish and refine your social media guidelines with the guidelines included in our Social Media Policy. This policy outlines the dos and don’ts for employees when engaging in social media, both personally and professionally, ensuring that their online activities do not harm the company’s image or legal standing. The policy emphasizes the importance of maintaining professionalism online, protecting confidential and proprietary information, and respecting workplace policies even in digital communications.

Sexual Harassment Policy

establish the definition of sexual harassment in the workplace and provides examples of prohibited conduct in the workplace and outlines procedures for reporting such behavior with our sexual harassment policy. The samples consider two forms of sexual harassment prohibited by U.S. law and the company policy: quid pro quo and hostile work environment.


KnowledgeLeader has also published several publications this week.

Board Risk Reporting in Disruptive Times 

Boards and their companies face a constant and seemingly unending state of flux in the marketplace. The emergence of the unexpected is the norm. For boards, this highlights the importance of considering broadly unforeseen developments — both internationally and domestically — that could significantly impact a company’s risk profile and strategy-setting and execution. 

Harnessing the Future: Protiviti’s Research on AI Adoption

Due in large part to the rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI), organizations of all types and sizes are implementing, or considering adopting, AI for various business functions and activities — from accounting and finance to cybersecurity, customer experience and more. 

Future-Proofing Business: How Strategic and Sustainable Sourcing Are Converging to Shape Success

Sustainable sourcing practices are converging with strategic sourcing to become a fundamental component of business strategy. New and emerging regulatory requirements have intensified focus on a wider range of sourcing and supplier performance metrics.

Recommended Resources 

This list of recommended resources from the web may be of interest to you. Click each link to learn more. 

  1. Improving Enterprise Risk Management: Five Steps to Success
  2. The Art (and Science) of Revamping Rewards Strategies
  3. GeneDx Appoints Former Zoetis General Counsel as Legal Chief