All CPE courses

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Internal Audit CPE Courses

The following 22 CPE Courses are listed based on publish date.
Internal Audit CPE Courses

International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) (KLplu…

This basic-level course is intended for professionals who work on internal audit engagements.
Mon, Dec 4, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Introduction to Fraud (KLplus CPE Course)

All organizations are susceptible to fraud. Would you know how to recognize red flags indicating possible fraud?
Mon, Dec 4, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Segregation of Duties Principles (KLplus CPE Course)

This course defines segregation of duties and identifies the purpose for establishing and monitoring segregation of duties.
Mon, Jul 31, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Internal Audit Follow-Up (KLplus CPE Course)

During this module, we will describe the follow-up process in internal auditing.
Mon, Jul 24, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Testing Control Design and Operating Effectiveness (KLplus C…

This basic-level course defines internal controls, how to test control designs and their operating effectiveness, how to identify exceptions, and how to evaluate and report the results....
Mon, Apr 10, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Implementing Continuous Auditing (KLplus CPE Course)

Take this course to learn a methodology for implementing continuous auditing along with critical success factors.
Mon, Apr 3, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Overview of the COSO Internal Control - Integrated Framework…

The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the Framework and to explain how it is applied at the entity and process or activity level.
Mon, Apr 3, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Using Sampling in Internal Auditing (KLplus CPE Course)

This basic-level course introduces the learner to audit sampling and the role it plays in controls testing as well as for financial audit purposes.
Mon, Apr 3, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Introduction to the Internal Audit Profession (KLplus CPE Co…

This basic-level course explains the general purpose, role and skills required of an internal auditor.
Mon, Apr 3, 2017
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Introduction to the Internal Audit Profession (KLplus FREE S…

This sample course is intended to provide a preview of what you'll receive when you sign up for a full KLplus membership.